Homemade Shopkins Cookie Cakes!

We were invited to a 5th safe party this year!  That’s a record, friends!  We are always humbled, grateful, excited and a bit nervous when we go to parties.  The anti-histamine the allergist has SG on has helped tamp down her constant contact reactions tremendously, but it still occasionally happens.

So, my sweet cousin N invited us to her daughter’s party and offered to have only safe foods.  I offered to make the cake.  N requested a Shopkins Kooky Cookie cookie cake.

The Huzz and I are always up for a good cake challenge, and we tackled this one the way we do best- together.  I baked the cookie cakes and he did all the decorating with the frosting.  Good ‘ole Pillsbury frosting.

We surprised N with an extra cookie cake- Cheeky Chocolate.  As I shaped Kooky Cake with the raw dough, I realized I had enough dough left for an extra cookie cake.  I showed the Huzz several images and he picked Cheeky Chocolate as one he thought he could well.

Without further ado, here are our results:



The baking of the cookie cakes was my part.  I simply use this food allergy friendly chocolate chip cookie recipe from Silk.  Click here for the recipe.

I take about half of the dough per cookie cake and shape it with my hands until the desired shape is reached.  For Kooky Cake, I shaped it into a circle as big as my round pizza pan.  We put parchment paper on the pan and shape the dough on top.  For Cheeky Chocolate, I formed a tall rectangle.  I baked the cookie cakes on 350 on convection for 13 minutes.

We let the round cake cool almost completely before the Huzz cut out the bite marks in Kooky Cake.  Then we let the cookie cakes cool completely before the Huzz decorated the cookie cakes.

We used these Pillsbury frostings:  1.5 cans of chocolate fudge, 1 can of cream cheese (it’s dairy free!), one can of vanilla hot pink frosting and one can of vanilla neon blue frosting.  And my frosting tool that helped me create SG’s beautiful Barbie cake last year.

As for the cake decorating, an artistic person is definitely a plus.  I could not have made these cookie cakes look like this.  The Huzz is artistic and is the one who made these cakes shine.  So, if you wanna try this at home – (and you should! If we can do it, so can you!) then an artistic person is most definitely gonna help make your cake beautiful.  (The feet and hands are just frosting- no cookie cake underneath.)

The cookie cakes were a hit, my daughter had a blast and there was not a single piece of cake or frosting left.  I’d say that was a successful party!

Thank you N for having a safe party when you didn’t have to… you’re pretty rad!

(Did I just date myself by using rad?)  Haha!

Happy cookie cake baking, my friends!